Just Transition Fund.
The ACDAL sub-committee is currently working hard to satisfy all the conditions as set out by Just Transition. Although still in the early stages, progress is being made.
Enterprise Ireland Fund.
The sub-committee driving this project expect the project to conclude over the next number of months. As a result of the extension to Level 5 restrictions, there will be a slight delay, however, as this project ties in with the refurbishment project. The funding from EI will be used to fully upgrade the IT system within the main building, ensuring excellent broadband and connectivity throughout. The fitting out of a number of spaces for the provision of remote working and training is also being funded under this particular project, as is an upgrade in the organisation’s hardware, especially for the provision of training courses.
Mental Health Fund.
We are currently arranging the logistic in terms of providing a counselling service funded by the Community Mental Health Fund in ACDAL.
Leader Programme Funding.
Due to the extension imposed on current restriction, which is impacting the construction industry, the refurbishment of ACDAL’s main premises is once again on hold. We are very hopeful that this project will commence early April.